
Trimodal de México SC Privacy Notice

In Trimodal de México S.C., better known as Trimex, with address at 20 Pastora Street, Manuel Contreras neighborhood, Veracruz city, Veracruz municipality, CP 91899, in the state of Veracruz, Mexico country, and internet portal, we are committed to protecting your privacy and personal data. This privacy notice is issued in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, and describes how we obtain, use, store, transfer and protect your personal data.

Identity of the Controller

Trimodal de México S.C. (Trimex), a company formally established under Mexican Laws, has an address to hear and receive notifications related to personal data at 20 Pastora Street, Manuel Contreras neighborhood, Veracruz city, Veracruz municipality, CP 91899, in the state of Veracruz, country Mexico.


You can contact our personal data protection officer at the aforementioned address or send an email to: .

Personal Data We Collect and Its Purpose

I. In Relationship to Clients:

We collect data such as name, telephone number, address, email, RFC/TaxID, employment position, official identification, signature, training, CURP, photograph, tax information, bank accounts, among others. This data is used to:

  • Follow up on your requests for information about our services.

  • Make quotes, contracts and review corporate powers.

  • Manage customs operations and payment of contributions.

  • Integrate and validate accounting for payments and discounts.

  • Provide technical support and manage queries or complaints.

  • Notify about maintenance operations and other commercial activities.

II. In relation to Suppliers and Commercial Alliances:

We collect data such as name, address, telephone number, email, signature, RFC/TaxID, resume, tax information, personal and employment references, among others. This data is used to:

  • Selection and evaluation of suppliers.

  • Formalization and updating of contracts.

  • Tax and regulatory compliance verification.

  • Payments for products or services supplied.

  • Training and technical support.

III. In relation to Visitors and Owners in General:

We collect data such as name, work or personal references, official identification, signature and job title. This data is used to:

  • Access control to our facilities.

  • Supervision of the proper use of the facilities and safeguarding their physical integrity.

  • Preparation of internal and external dissemination material.

  • Video surveillance for security and regulatory compliance.

Transfer of Personal Data

Your personal data may be transferred to authorities such as the Tax Administration Service (SAT), the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), and others. administrative or judicial authorities when required by law. We may also share data with Bonded Enclosures, Certifying Authorities, Terminals, Customs Agents and suppliers necessary for customs operations.

ARCO Rights and Revocation of Consent

You have the right to access, rectify, cancel or oppose (ARCO rights) the processing of your personal data. You can exercise these rights by sending a request to or delivering it directly to our address. We will respond to you within a maximum period of 20 business days.

Security of Personal Data

At Trimodal de México SC, we implement administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect your personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or processing. These measures include confidentiality contracts and clauses, restricted access, and secure technological systems.

Changes to the Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to make changes or updates to this privacy notice. Any changes will be published on our website


For any questions or comments regarding this privacy notice, you can contact us at .

Last update date: June 20, 2024